Emotional Intelligence – the Seven Skills

Emotional Intelligence comprises seven specific EI skills.


The table below presents a definition of each skill and outcomes that can be achieved from displaying each skill effectively at work.

EI SkillDefinitionWorkplace Outcomes
Emotional Self-Awareness:The skill of perceiving and understanding one’s own emotions.The capacity to identify and understand the impact one’s own feelings is having on thoughts, decisions, behavior and performance at work.
Greater self-awareness.
Emotional Expression:The skill of expressing one’s own emotions effectively. Creating greater understanding amongst colleagues about yourself.Creating greater understanding amongst colleagues about yourself Creating trust and perceptions of genuineness amongst colleagues
Emotional Awareness of Others:The skill of perceiving and understanding others emotions.Greater understanding of others, how to engage, respond, motivate and connect with them Interpersonal effectiveness
Emotional Reasoning:The skill of utilizing emotional information in decision-making.Enhanced decision-making where more information is considered in the process Greater buy-in from others into decisions that are made.
Emotional Self-Management:The skill of effectively managing one’s own emotions.Improved job satisfaction and engagement Improved ability to cope with high work demands Greater interpersonal effectiveness Enhanced productivity and performance.
Emotional Management of Others:The skill of influencing the moods and emotions of others.The capacity to generate greater productivity and performance from others The capacity to generate a positive and satisfying work environment for others The capacity to effectively deal with workplace conflict.
Emotional Self-ControlThe skill of effectively controlling strong emotions experienced.Emotional well-being The capacity to think clearly in stressful situations The capacity to deal effectively with situations that cause strong emotions

All information © Copyright Genos Pty Ltd. Reprinted with permission.

Sue Barrett

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